Monday, June 9, 2008

Saying Goodbye.....

We dropped Taylor off at the MTC this past wednesday and it was so sad. I think the anticipation of saying goodbye was the worst. After we hugged him and said goodbye there was this peaceful feeling that came over us so it made it easier to leave the MTC. He gave us hugs and we all said goodbye, then had a big family hug and he was like "big gulps, huh?" (from dumb and dumber) and walked off. He walked backwards out one door and would stop and wave every two seconds because my mom made him promise to not turn his back on her until he was gone. So he walked out one door and we walked out the other. Man that MTC is like Boot Camp. They tell you where to park, where you can take pictures and where you cant, then they get you in, make you watch HORRIBLE 80's commercials about families, sing called to serve in DOUBLE time. So fast you can barely keep up and then make you say goodbye and leave the other way so you can't see your missionary. It was AWFUL, I don't recommend it. Just say goodbye and kick em out at the curb. We got a letter from him on Saturday that he wrote his first night. He was ecstatic and so upbeat. He said he loved his companion, the MTC and already loves the people of Greece. He is going to make the most extraordinary missionary and we're so excited to his impact in the Mediterranean.