Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summary/Inventory of findings in Isaiah 40:9-11

In three short verses we have compiled quite a list:

Isaiah speaks to two separate groups: Zion and Jerusalem
1- Zion:
A- What is the composition of Zion?
1- Gentiles who "hearken unto my word and harden not their hearts." (Ephraim)
2- Lehi's descendants, (primarily from the tribe of Joseph)
3- Mulekite descendants, (from the tribe of Jesse/David)

B-In addition to "Zion" referring to the New Jerusalem, it is historically linked to the city of Enoch, land of the pure in heart and perhaps the most overlooked, the fortress near Jerusalem where David lived.
1- We explored the possibility that a "New Jerusalem" may have a "New David."

C- The "good tidings" brought by Zion is identified as living prophets who actively receive revelation and declare the doctrine of Christ.

D- The "high mountain" Zion carries "good tidings" too has a dual meaning:
1- Positive explanation: High mountain refers to the Temple/covenants.
2- Negative explanation: High mountain refers to a proud nation.

2- Jerusalem
A- Jerusalem also has "good tidings" or living prophets receiving revelation and declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
B- Israel is first gathered by the authority of the Aaronic Priesthood.

3- The Lord comes/prepares the way with a "strong hand" and an "arm" that rules over His people.
A- The "hand" and "arm" are extensions or appendages of Christ who receive the Holy Spirit of Promise, ("his reward is with him") but his work still lies ahead.
B- The "arm of the Lord" being revealed is the beginning of the destruction of the wicked at the end of the world.
1- Those who survive this destruction and repent and turn to Christ and join with Israel become the Lord's people.

2- The work of gathering is a collaboration between heaven and earth, whereby four angels (translated beings) who govern the four quarters of the earth are directed by John the Revelator to hold back the judgments of God until he, John, can seal the servants of his God in their foreheads.
3- Joined with these translated beings is the "root of Jesse" who, under the direction of John, raise an ensign to gather Israel.
A- In addition to the "root of Jesse", this individual may also be the descendant of Joseph through Lehi (2 Nephi 3:24) or the "one mighty and strong" mentioned in D&C 85:7.

Amazing what stands before us in plain sight.